Manju lata Tripathi
2 min readJun 14, 2023


How AI will change the future

AI will change the future

The rapid development in technology over the past decade has brought about significant changes in our lives. One of the most groundbreaking advancements is the emergence of Artificial Intelligence or AI. AI is gradually changing our way of life by influencing every aspect of it, including healthcare, education, transportation, and even our workplaces.

In the future, AI is expected to become even more extensive and precise, and as a result, it will impact our lives in several ways. For instance, the integration of artificial intelligence in healthcare will significantly transform the industry. Chatbots and virtual nurses will assist in remote diagnosis and monitoring of patients, increasing accessibility to healthcare for people in underserved areas. In addition, AI is expected to improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses, contribute to developing new treatments, and predicting disease outbreaks.

The education sector is also expected to undergo significant changes due to the integration of AI. AI-powered tutors, interactive learning systems, and adaptive learning tools are developed to personalize the learning experience for students. These tools also offer immediate feedback to students, allowing them to identify their mistakes early on, improving the speed of learning and promoting deeper understanding.

Furthermore, AI-powered modes of transport are expected to become popular in the near future, with self-driving cars and drones already available. These autonomous systems are designed to improve safety on roads and significantly reduce the number of accidents. Additionally, the integration of AI in logistics will improve the efficiency of the supply chain process.

In conclusion, AI is quickly becoming a ubiquitous influence in our day-to-day lives, and it is expected to continue significantly transforming our society. However, there's a need to consider and address the potential ethical implications that arise from increased reliance on AI. As we integrate AI into different aspects of our lives, we must ensure that it serves the best interests of humanity and operates within appropriate guidelines to prevent any negative impact on people's lives. The future of AI looks to be bright, and with proper foresight, it can be used to make the world a more intelligent and efficient place.

